Gallatin River Access

A brief description/teaser about the project.


Gallatin County, MT

Gallatin River Access

project description

In collaboration with RESPEC Engineering, Trout unlimited, and the Gallatin River Task Force, Field Studio staff developed plans to improve the long term viability of three popular access points on the Gallatin River. As a result of heavy public use, these areas had experienced erosion, historic channel alterations, loss of riparian vegetation, and even degraded fish passage. These damages can largely be attributed to the lack of clear markers in the landscape to guide public use. So the aim of the project was twofold: first, to remediate the existing aquatic injuries through thorough ecological analysis, streambank stabilization, floodplain plantings; and secondly, to design site improvements aimed at sustainable access. The plans include hardened river access points, boat access structures, fishing platforms, new trails, fencing, and educational signage.