Bridget Hake



Bridget Hake

Bridget is a Designer at Field Studio with a love for art, outdoor recreation, and the human experience. She completed her Masters in Landscape Architecture at Kansas State University with research focusing on how our national parks are impacted by social media and rapidly evolving technology. This research brought her to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks for the first time and inspired her move to Bozeman from Omaha, Nebraska, post-graduation in 2020.

Bridget's design work experience has ranged from detailed planting design in Arizona and urban masterplanning in Iowa to zoo and park design in Germany and, of course, park planning and residential work in Montana. Bridget is an experience driven designer and believes traveling and having an abundance of empathy for people and the planet inspire the best work and design outcomes.

When she is not in the office, Bridget relaxes at home by baking treats, painting, and making tiny sculptures. She also loves being active whether it's through climbing, skiing, roller skating, or just going for a walk with her dog, Teton.