Bozeman Library Labyrinth
A brief description/teaser about the project.
Bozeman, mt
Bozeman Library Labyrinth
project description
The Bozeman Public Library Labyrinth rests in the heart of downtown Bozeman along the popular Galligator Trail. The Labyrinth was spearheaded by Library supporter, David Kingman, in honor of his late wife who took comfort in walking labyrinths during her battle with cancer. The 8-circuit labyrinth is 52’ diameter, and comprised of reclaimed granite cobble, Montana sandstone, and creeping thyme. Native plantings and landforms create privacy for labyrinth walkers while preserving views to the Lindley Park hillside and the Bridger Range beyond. The Labyrinth is Phase 1 of a more comprehensive Healing Garden which is anticipated to contain a future reflexology path and other wellness amenities.
Bozeman Public Library
City of Bozeman
Greenspace Landscaping
Bozeman Beautification Award 2019 - Landscapes in Focus